WordPress is one of the well-liked online blogging platform which serves a wide diversity of bloggers for different kinds of purposes. WordPress has plenty of advanced features presented with simplicity and flexibility which elevated it better than many of the other blogging tools. Do you want to start up with WordPress?
The first stride is to sign up with wordpress.com and this allows you to create as many blogs you want to publish under a single account. Have a look at this Video before proceeding.
Go to the wordpress sign up page https://signup.wordpress.com/signup/.
Enter your
E-mail Address: Your primary email address as it is needed to activate the account and for further correspondences from wordpress.
Username: The logon name you want to use to sign in your wordpress account in future.
Blog Address: This will serve as the prefix of the URL address of your blog. Consider a name that is closely related to your content and this will help you greatly in Search Engine listing of your blog.
Wordpress will do a primary validation of your details entered above and will enable the "Create Blog" button for free subscription. Click on the "Create Blog" button. An activation email will be sent to your email address given above. Login to your email and click on "Activate Blog" link available in the WordPress email.
It's all set and done now.
Here is a snap of my wordpress account landing page with significant areas highlighted.
Reader: This tab provides room for all of your favorite blogs (even other than wordpress blog) you follow. You can Like and Reblog your favorite posts.
Stats: Your stats page displays the data about the number of visitors, their place, the popular posts etc of your blog in the form of graphs and charts.
My Blog: This tab lists all of your blogs and you can click on each one of them to reach their individual dashboards.
Freshly Pressed: Everyday this tab brews out new blog posts with unique content to entertain us.
- Create new posts and be notified about your likes, comments and followers.
My Activity: This allows you to see the likes and comments you have made.
Recommended Blogs: List of blogs on all categories recommended by wordpress to you.
Find Friends: This helps to find your friends from Twitter, Facebook and Google who are blogging with wordpress.
This section allows you to explore the popular subjects in wordpress with recently published posts under each topic. Click "Follow" to add a topic to your reader and keep track of all the posts under the topic of your interest.
WordPress suggests these blogs for you.
Ready to make a start!
The first stride is to sign up with wordpress.com and this allows you to create as many blogs you want to publish under a single account. Have a look at this Video before proceeding.
Go to the wordpress sign up page https://signup.wordpress.com/signup/.
Enter your
E-mail Address: Your primary email address as it is needed to activate the account and for further correspondences from wordpress.
Username: The logon name you want to use to sign in your wordpress account in future.
Blog Address: This will serve as the prefix of the URL address of your blog. Consider a name that is closely related to your content and this will help you greatly in Search Engine listing of your blog.
Wordpress will do a primary validation of your details entered above and will enable the "Create Blog" button for free subscription. Click on the "Create Blog" button. An activation email will be sent to your email address given above. Login to your email and click on "Activate Blog" link available in the WordPress email.
It's all set and done now.
Here is a snap of my wordpress account landing page with significant areas highlighted.
Reader: This tab provides room for all of your favorite blogs (even other than wordpress blog) you follow. You can Like and Reblog your favorite posts.
Stats: Your stats page displays the data about the number of visitors, their place, the popular posts etc of your blog in the form of graphs and charts.
My Blog: This tab lists all of your blogs and you can click on each one of them to reach their individual dashboards.
Freshly Pressed: Everyday this tab brews out new blog posts with unique content to entertain us.
- Create new posts and be notified about your likes, comments and followers.
My Activity: This allows you to see the likes and comments you have made.
Recommended Blogs: List of blogs on all categories recommended by wordpress to you.
Find Friends: This helps to find your friends from Twitter, Facebook and Google who are blogging with wordpress.
This section allows you to explore the popular subjects in wordpress with recently published posts under each topic. Click "Follow" to add a topic to your reader and keep track of all the posts under the topic of your interest.
WordPress suggests these blogs for you.
Ready to make a start!