Sunday, November 17, 2019

What is 3-tier architecture of Web Development

What is 3-tier architecture in Web Development?

In this design of web development with 3-tier architecture, the entire structure of the Web Application has been divided into three wide range of chambers, to split the entire system with crystal clear separation, based on certain crucial functionalities.

What are those 3 layers?

  1. Presentation Layer
  2. Business Logic Layer
  3. Data Access Layer
This below image gives an overview of the 3-tier architecture:

Presentation Layer

This layer incorporates rendering/generating the layout of the web application or in other words, the user interface, as seen by the user. You can associate the presentation layer with the word "View". The Visual appearance of any web application depends on, how deep the Presentation layer is given importance. The significant technologies used are HTML, CSS and Javascript. When latest frameworks of Javascript are used, the appearance becomes more attractive and in turn pulls the user to choose the application, when there are multiple web apps of similar domain are in business. Front End Developers are responsible to create an awesome vivid appearance of the application.

Business Logic Layer

The term Business Logic itself implies, what this particular layer is made up of. When raw data is returned from the database, there needs to be some logic implied over the data, based on the need of the business. And this can be done with some key coding languages like Python, Java etc, or even with scripting languages like PHP, Perl etc

Data Access Layer

This layer is exclusively responsible for the database manipulation. It consists of programs/codes that enables the access of data from the database. An easy relative example of Data access layer code is, Stored Procedures written in SQL to access the data in the way its needed.

Significant benefits of the 3-tier architecture
  • The Security is enhanced, as the client i.e browser doesn't have direct connection with the Data Access Layer
  • Each tier can be maintained and upgraded independently.
  • The Corporates can easily hire people with wide knowledge in each tier, so that the application's necessary development work can be handled effectively.