Monday, June 25, 2012

New to iOS 5 Programming - Overview of iOS SDK

System Requirements to do iOS Programming
  • Intel Mac Procesor
  • Mac OS X Lion
Getting Started
  • Go to App Store, Search for Xcode and download Xcode Developer Tools.
  • Install Xcode. By default the tools will be installed in /Developer/Applications folder or you can choose the folder for installation.
Overview of Tools

Xcode Environment:

Double click Xcode icon from /Developer/Applications folder and launch the Welcome to Xcode screen. Tap Create a new Xcode project. Now you will launch the Xcode IDE. You can find different templates to support different types of projects. I am just choosing the template 'Empty Application'. Tap Next to continue.

Entering the Product Name as 'FirstApp' and Company Identifier as 'Techzio'. Tap Next to Continue. Choose the destination folder and Tap Create.


I have created my first application.

iOS Simulator:

iOS simulator simulates various features of iphone, ipad, iphone(retina) on your mac. The Applications created can be tested on iOS Simulator to certain extent since it doesnot support some features of the real device. Run the Application 'FirstApp' in the Xcode by tapping the Run button at the left top corner of the Xcode IDE. Now the Xcode installs the App in the iOS Simulator and opens the simulator.


 You can choose the device to simulate in the iOS Simulator.


Interface Builder:

Interface Builder is a visual tool to design user interface for your applications.  Create a New File (Xcode->File->New File) in the Xcode. Select iOS->User Interface->Application. Tap Next to Continue.

Select your device and Tap Create to launch the Interface Builder.



Instrument is used to trace the performance of your Application. Launch Instrument from /Developer/Instruments.

1 comment:

  1. pls give more details on creating a real-time app with a demo
